Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Choosing a Wedding Photographer
ATTENTION BRIDES: PLEASE read this before choosing just anyone with a camera to shoot your wedding. You only get one chance for your wedding photos...there are no do-overs. We at PM Photography are experienced photographers that are trained and equipped to handle your once-in-a-lifetime wedding!!!
**The following was posted on Jessica Edwards Photography's Facebook page. It is definitely worth sharing**:
"My biased 2 cents:
If you have to ask a photographer "Do you do weddings?" that's a HUGE sign that you should probably find someone else.
It should be obvious if a photographer is experienced in wedding photography because if they are, they'll have beautiful wedding portraits prominently displayed on their website/facebook page.
It's one thing to take a chance with a new/hobbyist photography for a portrait session. You can redo those if they don't turn out well. But PLEASE, for the love of God, don't take a chance with your once-in-a-lifetime-no-reshoot-possible wedding! If you're going to skimp on something, do it elsewhere. When it's all said and done your wedding pictures and video will be the 2 things that will help you remember the day.
I'm not a wedding photographer, so I'm not saying this to try to get people to hire us. I'm saying it because it breaks my heart to hear "I hired someone because they were cheap. They weren't used to their camera and ALL the pictures turned out blurry". I was told this recently from the mother of one of my senior clients.
Learn from her mistake! Please and thank you." - Jessica Edwards
(Used by permission from Jessica Edwards)
Monday, August 6, 2012
Are They Legit???
I recently read an article about how a photographer ruined her career by stealing other photographers’ images and posting them as her own. You can read the article for yourself here: http://www.potsc.com/potsc/how-i-ruined-my-career/
It prompted a conversation between Michelle and me. From the inception of our photography business, we have strived to do everything legitimately, ethically, and by-the-book. Starting a photography business was neither easy nor quick. It took LOTS of work and research, mixed with a healthy dose of blood, sweat and tears.
Now that I see a multitude of “professional photographers” and “photography businesses” popping up, with what seems like a new one appearing every day on Facebook, I have to wonder: Are they legit?
You may ask, “What do you mean by legit?” I’ll be glad to answer. A “legit” photographer is one who has taken the correct steps to start and run an legitimate business. Here are just a few of the steps:
1) Registering with the federal government (IRS) to get an Employer Identification Number (EIN). You need this number when you file your yearly income taxes to report any and all income generated from your photography business. Yes, that’s right, you have to report any income you make as a photographer and pay income taxes on it.
2) Registering with the state to get a Business Registration Certificate. Engaging in business without a registration certificate is a crime. In other words, if you are charging for taking photos, but do not have a Business Registration Certificate, you are breaking the law.
3) Collecting and Paying Sales Tax. For any tangible products you sell (such as prints), you are required to collect sales tax. You then must remit this sales tax to the State on a timely basis. For example, if you are charging a flat-rate of $50.00 for a session with prints, you owe the state $2.83 for taxes.
4) Paying the “Use Tax”. For ANY equipment you purchase for your business, you have to pay state sales tax on that equipment. If you purchase the equipment at a store, you will automatically be charged the sales tax. However, if you purchase equipment on the internet, you will not be charged sales tax. This is where the use tax comes in. When you file and pay your collected sales tax (see #3), you also have to report and pay any use tax. Here is an example: You purchase a camera from Amazon.com for $1500.00. You owe the state the sales tax for that purchase. For West Virginia, that amount would be 6% of the purchase price, which is $90.00. If you do not pay the use tax on your purchases, you are breaking the law.
When taking just these few things into account, I really have to wonder how many “photographers” are legit. How can a photographer who charges $50 for a session with prints make any kind of a profit? After all, once they deduct sales tax, income tax, your own print costs, and factor in other costs, such as the use tax on your equipment, how can they make any profit? My guess is they can’t. Unless they aren’t legit.
- Patrick
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Ashley + Dustin
Yay! We are finally posting about Ashley and Dustin's beautiful wedding. These two love birds had a June wedding, complete with a bright, sunny day. Ashley has been one of our most laid back brides to date... and Dustin is such a great guy. Put them together and you get laughter and good times. The wedding was fun from beginning to end. I could not help but get teary eyed as Ashley and her dad shared their first dance. It was so sweet and so special, but don't take my word for it, take a look for yourself... -Michelle

Ashley and her dad during the their first dance...

Ashley and her dad during the their first dance...
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
New family member...
Yay, we're back to blogging! We have been so blessed this past year with many photo shoots and weddings, etc. It's been a lot of fun, and we absolutely love what we do. I've been telling myself, I've got to get back to it... so here I (we) are. Okay, so back to the reason for my post... as of yesterday, we have a new family addition to the Elliott household. Our younger son, Jordan, fell in love with a stray kitten that showed up at our house. I've never owned a cat in my life, but with his big blue eyes and tears... he convinced this momma to adopt a little kitten. Drum roll, please..... introducing... Ms. Daisy!!!! We love her and she is a keeper. =)
Monday, November 22, 2010
Baby Urijah
We love to photograph newborns! They are so easy to mold and pose when they are tiny; this little guy is an absolute doll. It was such a pleasure to do a family shoot with Felicia, Josh and baby Urijah; his name is sooo cool!!! We've watched his momma grow from a young teenage girl into a beautiful young lady. Newborn sessions always make for some really enjoyable and memorable shoots. =)

Friday, November 19, 2010
Long time, no post. . .
I promise we have not gone missing in action. *grin* Over the last few months, we've been staying as busy as ever. Weddings, family sessions and as recent as last Saturday, we shot the 2nd Annual Logan County Firemen's Ball. What a great group of men and women - we felt so honored to be asked to do the photos. So, to those of you who keep up with the latest happenings of PM Photography, be sure to check back soon, as we'll have many new blog posts. *TTYL* ~Michelle
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Cortney + Cody
It's not everyday that you get to do a shoot with a firefighter! This lovely couple is getting married in early November, and we are looking so forward to shooting their Wedding. Cortney is just as cute as she can be, and Cody, well, he's a bit feisty. ;-) They both have a great personality - and doing the e-sessions was a blast! We got so many good shots of these two it was so hard to choose some for the blog.

Sometimes you have to go the extra mile for the shot!

The result!

Sometimes you have to go the extra mile for the shot!
The result!
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