We attended several classes...we learned lighting techniques from Jessica Edwards and Lowry Wilson. Jessica is a very talented young woman who owns a Studio in Southeast, KY. She works in the same town I grew up in. How cool is that! She also did a class on posing techniques. Lowry Wilson lives and works in Mississippi. He has over 30 yrs. experience, and we found his knowledge to be incredibly helpful. Along with lighting techniques, he also taught business practices and how to work in Photoshop.
We also attendend a Maternity class taught by Stephanie Smith of Akron, OH. Very talented lady, who gave many good pointers. To end our final day of shooting, Jessica showed us how to pose Seniors. Overall, it was a wonderful experience, we hope you enjoy some of the photos from our sessions. We had several models who were eager and willing to help out!
Jessica Edwards teaching us Posing and Lighting Techniques...
Maternity Models...
Jessica Edwards teaching us to pose Seniors...
Using Props...
The results...
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